Diabetic Wound Care

For individuals living with diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is a daily task. However, one often overlooked aspect of diabetes management is foot care. Diabetic wounds, especially those on the feet and lower legs, can lead to severe complications if not properly treated. 

Why Does Diabetes Impair Wound Healing?

Diabetes impacts the body’s ability to heal wounds due to several interconnected factors:

  • Neuropathy: This condition results from prolonged high blood sugar levels, causing nerve damage, primarily in the feet and lower legs. As nerves are damaged, sensation decreases, leading to reduced awareness of injuries like cuts, blisters, or sores. This lack of sensation allows wounds to worsen without detection.
  • Compromised Immune Function: Diabetes can weaken the immune system, affecting the body’s ability to fight infections. When the immune system is compromised, even minor wounds can become breeding grounds for bacteria, leading to infections that are difficult to manage.
  • Reduced Blood Circulation: Diabetes can damage blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the lower extremities. Adequate circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to wounds for proper healing. Without it, wounds can remain open and vulnerable to infections.

These factors create a perfect storm where diabetic wounds may take longer to heal, leading to serious complications such as ulcers, gangrene, and potentially, amputations.

Old woman and man on a treadmill smiling

Tips for Treating Diabetic Wounds

Proper treatment and early intervention are critical in managing diabetic wounds. Here are some key tips to address and treat these wounds effectively:

  • Regular Foot Checks: Inspect your feet daily for signs of cuts, blisters, swelling, redness, discoloration, or other abnormalities. Use a mirror if necessary to see the bottoms of your feet.
  • Keep Feet Clean and Dry: Maintaining good foot hygiene helps prevent infections. Wash your feet daily with mild soap and water, and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes.
  • Wear Proper Footwear: Choose shoes that fit well and provide adequate support. Avoid tight shoes that cause pressure points or rub against the skin, leading to blisters.
  • Seek Professional Care: If you notice any signs of wounds or ulcers, seek medical attention promptly. Early treatment can prevent complications and promote faster healing.

At Texas Foot and Ankle Center, we specialize in diabetic foot care. Our treatment options for diabetic wounds include:

  • Cleaning and Bandaging Wounds: Proper cleaning and dressing can prevent infections and promote healing.
  • Removing Damaged Tissue: Debridement, or the removal of dead tissue, helps wounds heal faster by allowing healthy tissue to grow.
  • Offloading Pressure: Reducing pressure on the wound with crutches, orthotic devices, or specialized footwear helps prevent further injury and allows the wound to heal.

Most treatments can be conducted in our office, but more severe cases may require additional care at our specialized diabetic wound care clinic.

How to Prevent Severe Diabetic Sores or Wounds

Prevention is the best approach to avoiding severe diabetic sores or wounds. Here are some essential preventative measures to consider:

  • Healthy Diet and Increased Protein Intake: A balanced diet with sufficient protein helps support tissue repair and immune function. Consult a nutritionist to create a diabetes-friendly diet plan.
  • Stay Active: Regular exercise improves blood circulation, which is beneficial for wound healing and overall health. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling are good choices for those with diabetes.
  • Manage Blood Sugar Levels: Consistently monitor and maintain blood sugar within recommended ranges. This practice helps reduce the risk of neuropathy and other complications associated with diabetes.
  • Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular appointments with our seasoned team to monitor your foot health and address any issues promptly.

Early intervention and consistent foot care can significantly impact diabetic wound healing. If you experience any signs of diabetic foot issues, don’t delay. Contact Texas Foot and Ankle Center today at (214) 660-0777 or visit our website to book an appointment online. Our team of experts is ready to help you maintain your foot health and prevent severe complications from diabetes.

By following these tips and seeking professional care when needed, you can manage your diabetic foot health effectively and reduce the risk of severe complications.


Doctor's Professional Building 1

1151 N. Buckner Boulevard, Suite 201

Dallas, TX 75218

(214) 660-0777


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM

Closed for Lunch
12:00PM - 1:00PM

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